Изследователски групи
Групата по Онкогенетика изучава молекулните основи на рака в търсене на нови диагностични и прогностични маркери. Освен това, проучва влиянието на факторите на средата и начина на живот, както взаимодействието им с гените, отговорни за развитието на рака.
Групата по Онкогенетика включва хирурзи, патолози, онколози, химио- и лъче-терапевти, молекулярни биолози и генетици. Проучвания се провеждат върху няколко типа тумори:
- Колоректален карцином (КРК)
- Ендометриален карцином (EК)
- Рак на гърдата (РГ)
- Рак на простатата (РП)
- Мозъчни тумори (МТ)
- Ларингеален карцином (ЛК)
- Хронична Обструктивна Белодробна Болест (ХОББ) и Белодробен карцином (БК)
- Невро-ендокринни тумори на белия дроб
Членове на групата по Онкогенетика:
"Analysis of mutations in BRCA1 gene in Bulgarian patients with triple negative breast cancer", 2011-2012.
"Promoter hypermethylation in laryngeal carcinogenesis", 2011-2012.
"Genetic analysis of mutations in exon 11 of BRCA2 gene in Bulgarian patients with hereditary breast cancer", 2011-2012.
"Analysis of mutations in IDH1, IDH2 and TP53 genes and 1p/19q deletions in Bulgarian patients with malignant glial tumours", 2011-2012.
"Association study of polymorphic variants in locus 11р15 and their role in prostate carcinogenesis", 2011-2012.
"Follow up of circulating tumor cells (CTC) levels in patients with metastatic breast carcinoma - prognostic and predictive meaning", 2010-2012.
"Analysis of clinical and molecular characteristics of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and their application for prediction of prognosis and treatment response", 2010-2012.
"Analysis of polymorphisms in low-penetrance genes associated with high risk of breast cancer ", 2010-2011.
"Genetic markers with prognostic value in high-grade gliomas", 2010-2011.
"Analysis of promoter hypermethylation of biomarkers in urine of patients with prostate cancer - validation of their diagnostic value in Bulgarian population", 2010-2011.
“Clinical and molecular markers with predictive value for survival, quality of life and treatment response in high-grade gliomas”, 2009-2011.
“Study of the genetic variations, associated with increased risk and identification of diagnostics and prognostics markers for prostate cancer”, 2009-2011.
“Analysis of big deletions, insertions and rearrangements in BRCA1 and BRCA2”, 2009-2010.
“Analysis of polymorphic variants in candidate genes associated with prostate cancer”, 2009-2010.
“Determination of mutation frequencies in MSH6 gene between patients with endometrial carcinoma which biopsycal materials show inactivating mutations in KRAS gene”, 2009-2010.
“Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and the hypopharynx. Genetic defects associated with carcinogenesis and biological behaviour of the tumor”, 2009-2010.
“Molecular pathways involved in mammary gland cancer”, 2008-2010.
“Evaluation of the relevance of the CTNNB1 gene mutation analysis for patients with endometrial cancer”, 2008-2009.
“Analysis of big genome deletions, insertions and rearrangements in MLH1 and MLH2 genes in bulgarian patients with colorectal cancer”, 2008-2009.
“Association study of polymorphic variants in regulatory genes of androgen biosynthesis (CYP1B1, CYP19 and SRD5A2) with increased risk for development of prostate cancer in Bulgaria ”, 2008-2009.
“Association studies on the role of I157T polymorphism in CHEK2 gene for development of colorectal and endometrial cancer in Bulgarian patients”, 2007-2008.
“Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 cancer susceptible genes and their association with the development of breast and prostate cancer in Bulgaria ” 2007-2008.
“Study on the Role of Polymorphisms in Genes XRCC1 and XRCC3 for Development of Early Radiation Reactions after Radiation Therapy of Cervical and Endometrial Carcinomas”, 2006-2007.
“Prognostic and Predicting Value of the Timidilat Sintetase Expression in Patients with Colorectal Cancer”, 2006-2007.
“Investigation Study of the molecular basis of the endometrial cancer in Bulgaria ”, 2005-2007.
“Study of the molecular genetic and clinical profiles of the hereditary and sporadic colorectal cancers in Bulgaria”, 2005-2006.