
The aim of the Molecular Medicine Center is to offer a high quality, efficient and flexible core facility, which provides the right solution and study set-up for the right project. The state of the art, high throughput equipment in our laboratory, allows us to offer a wide range of genetic analysis services needed for a bio-medicine research project in the post-genomic era. By ensuring wide access to state of the art technologies, sample and data collections, bioinformatic tools and scientific consultation we hope to facilitate the interaction between the Bulgarian researchers and enhance the scientific productivity in Bulgaria.

The MMC Biobanking Core has been established as a state of the art facility with automated technology designed to ensure sample security and long-term control as well as distribution of human biological material and data for academic research. The services we can offer include receiving, processing, storing, retrieving and tracking biological samples.

The services provided by the MMC Genomics Core include determination of RNA and DNA quality and quantity; DNA amplification by conventional PCR and RT-PCR methods; DNA sequencing; genotyping through fragment analysis and SNP genotyping; gene expression analysis using quantitative Real-Time PCR; DNA methylation analysis; multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) for molecular-based, region specific copy number assays. Our experts can assist you in setting up the design of the study and advise you on the most suitable assay type, sample size and analysis tools for your project.

The mission of the MMC Bioinformatics Core is to ensure that the growing body of information from molecular biology and genome research is made accessible to Bulgarian researchers in ways that promote scientific progress. We can offer the interested parties access to a wide range of genomic databases; sequence and mutation analyses; statistical analyses of genotyping data for association and linkage studies.

Technological upgrade of MMC is underway, which will allow new techniques to be used. The new cores are: Laser Microdissection Core, Microarray Core, Metabolomics Core and Cell Culture Core.

MMC offers a wide range of services to individual researchers, research groups and organizations. If you would like to discuss the design of your proposed study or if you already have an approved by Ethical Committee and financed project, you can fill the corresponding form and send it to Prof Radka Kaneva, PhD, Executive Manager of MMC. For detailed information regarding the requirements for sample preparation, price list and time course of the analyses, please contact our Laboratory Manager Daniela Kostova, PhD